The decision on whether to use, and continue to use a dummy, is completely up to you. It's a topic that everyone has an opinion on, and often won't hesitate to share it with you!
At The Sleep Store, we support parents decision to use a dummy. We have used them with our four children. We found them so useful for helping newborns settle, a good tool for stretching out night feeds and pretty much invaluable over the first few months.
We are big fans of The Happiest Baby 5's techniques, one of which is Sucking. If your baby isn't hungry, then a dummy is a good alternative to using the breast or little finger to help calm your newborn. It can give mothers a break from feeding and fathers another way to feel in control of settling their baby.
Research in The States has also shown using a dummy significantly reduces the risk of SIDS, which is always handy to tell people if they share their negative opinion about dummies!
However a baby can become very dependant on a dummy as they get older (usually starts to be an issue over 4 months) and cry out for you to replace it during the night. Generally using a dummy is pretty hassle free in the first few months, but once you find you are getting up several times a night to replace a dummy, then it may be time to get rid of it!
Here's some information on how to use a dummy with your baby, tips to help avoid your baby becoming dependent on one, as well as some ideas for weaning off a dummy when it's time to do so: