Swaddling wraps
Swaddling is the number one technique for calming crying, getting your baby to sleep and to sleep longer. It's essential for all new parents to master the art of swaddling, so everyone gets as much sleep as possible.
Effective swaddling will help your baby sleep through the night earlier too, from 8 weeks old. Take care to stop swaddling once your baby shows signs of rolling.
You can choose from traditional square wraps or fitted easy wraps. Easy wraps such as Miracle Blanket mean you can instantly wrap your baby without needing to learn how to swaddle. We highly recommend the Miracle Blanket or our sweet Sleep Store Zip Swaddle.
We recommend purchasing at least 2 newborn size wraps.
"I purchased the miracle blanket because she seemed to be getting her arms out of all the others I don’t know whether it is pure coincidence but the first night that she was in the miracle blanket, she slept a total of 11 hours!!!! 7pm – 6 am. She repeated the same the next night, and has continued to have long sleeps. I’m shocked at how she went from 5.5 hrs and is now making it from 9 to 11 hrs before needing a feed – I can only guess that the miracle blanket has been the major change with her – THANK YOU!!!!!!! P.s – she also seems to be settling a LOT quicker for her sleeps during the day – another thing I think the wrap is helping with." Vicki.